Brutal Honesty

Monday, September 25, 2006

Can't stop

Don't you hate it when you have those moments where you know you shouldn't be laughing, but you just can't stop? Sometimes that happens over the dumbest things. For me, that usually happens when we are in sacrament meeting or some place where you are definitely NOT supposed to be cracking up. Anyways, I thought this was kind of funny. Our camera is broken right now, so we are relegated to posting un-original pictures and videos for awhile! By the way, apologies to anyone we know who has a high voice.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Crazy Dancing Lady

Having already attended 3 Utah football games this year I feel that I am somewhat getting my fix. There is something about the crisp fall air, the changing of the leaves and the banging of the pads that puts me at peace with the world.

Anyways, other than the game itself there are always some interesting people to see at the game. This one in particular has developed something along the lines of cult status. She has some great dance moves. Somewhere the Michael Jackson of the "Thriller" years is boiling over in a jealous rage.