Can't stop
Don't you hate it when you have those moments where you know you shouldn't be laughing, but you just can't stop? Sometimes that happens over the dumbest things. For me, that usually happens when we are in sacrament meeting or some place where you are definitely NOT supposed to be cracking up. Anyways, I thought this was kind of funny. Our camera is broken right now, so we are relegated to posting un-original pictures and videos for awhile! By the way, apologies to anyone we know who has a high voice.
this is pretty funny.. i stole your idea.. check out my blog.. also.. i liked the crazy lady clip... i think mom should be the next crazy lady
tia, where did you find this random video? it is bad news when you start cracking up in an innapropriate place. its even more embarrasing when you laugh out loud, and people stare at you. keep up the posting!
nice ny trip. too bad i had to looking for it over here:
will you never post again?
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