Larry Miller and his Movie House
Wow, surprise, surprise gay intolerance news coming out of Utah. Is anybody shocked by that? A movie theater owned by Mr. Miller pulled a previously scheduled showing of Brokeback Mountain. Apparently no explanation was given as to why the movie was taken out of the theaters lineup. It took about 2 days for this to become national news. While I have no interest in watching two "dirty"(as in covered in sweat and mud) cow-pokes go at it and tell each other that "they can quit them", obviously there is an audience for this type of thing.
Having studied a little bit about first amendment right's and the need in our society for a free exchange of ideas, such an act I would normally find to be a little but unsettling. However, this case presents me with an interesting dichotomy because the Capitalist in me says, I am all for a private individuals right to do what he wants(within legal reason) on his own property. Thus, as far as I am concerned Mr. Miller can show or not show whatever he wants. In my view it isn't a Gay-Right's issue, or even a censorship issue because there are plenty of other places to see the movie. But this is a business decision, and it appears that Mr. Miller might have made the right choice according to the Salt Lake Tribune:
Currently showing at the Larry H Miller theaters: Hostel.
I would have more respect if he had simple never booked either film. Booking and then pulling it makes it seem that someone is trying to make a statement.
I is ironic when you consider that someone told me that he is willing to show Hostel at the same theatre.
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