Brutal Honesty

Monday, January 09, 2006

Bond, James Bond

Thanks goodness for AMC. Where else would I go to get my movie fix. Over the holiday season Spike TV did a 008 days of 007. AMC has topped that however with 24 hours of 007 for 7 days.

Last night while I was watching Dr. No I realized a couple of things about Bond movies:

1. The Bond girls from the Connery, Moore era are much better looking then the women who are in movies today. These are real women with no silicone protrusions. They actually have curves, and best of all accents(when they speak that is). Is there anything more tired then the media trying to market the Lindsey Lohan's and Olson twins of the world? I mean who doesn't find an anorexic, heroin injected, auschwitz/like body attractive? I prefer to see a healthy real body on the screen.

2. The names in Austin Powers were not a spoof of Bond names, they are the real thing. With names such as Pussy Galore, Dr. Goodhead, Plenty O'Toole, Octopussy, Xenia Onatopp, Thumper, and Honey Rider it makes it pretty difficult to come up with more satrical suggestive names. The writers of these films had to have been either total perv's, or maybe just a little bit stoned when writing these films.

3. The early Bond flicks are pretty short on good cinematic action. James can be cruising down the street in his fancy shamncy car and every time we see the view from the hood into the car James is driving against a screen backdrop. This also happens on all train sequences and boat adventures. However, I do have to give the early films props on the underwater action,

4. For being the best secret agent in the world, you'd think that James would be better equipped at not getting caught. James always falls right into the bad guys' hands.

5. The Simpsons have done an excellent job of lampooning James Bond over the years. 2 episodes in particular come to mind, #1 when Homer gets a new job with Hank(don't remember the last name) and he tackles Bond just as he is making his getaway. Bond is then shot. #2 Homer is dealing cards at the Blackjack table and upon requesting a hit, gives James the card which says "
Rules for Draw and Stud Poker".

Basically James Bond films are great. I love them, and will probably watch a half-dozen this week.


At 12:55 PM, Blogger a random John said...


How can you bring up Plenty O'Toole and not bring up the follow up line:
"Named after your father, no doubt."

At 2:22 PM, Blogger slink said...

I thought that I would leave that line up to you.


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