Easton Under the Bed
Just to put everyone at ease who was worried that I wasn't doing an adequate job of protecting my wife, and to put any meth smoking neighbors who might be interested in breaking into my house on notice, I have reacquired one of my childhood possessions, a bat. It is now being stored under my bed and I am more than willing to crack the dome of anyone who attempts to enter my abode without a proper invite.
I know I will be able to sleep tonight, knowing that you are safer than ever with a bat under your bed! I would still prefer, though, to picture Peter using the broom handle. Tia, you have to catch that on video. Now that you finally have your tripod back you will be able to do that.
what will you do with a bat? the intruder will have a gun!
shane, thanks, you are REALLY putting my mind at ease here.
What are the legal ramifications of declaring publicly that you have a bat and intend to use it?
i thought you were going to protect T with your new guns from the Bond workout...then you wouldn't need a bat..
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