Brutal Honesty

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Go Jazz Go!!

So I am sitting here at work, which I probably shouldn't disclose, and all that I can think about is going to the game tonight. After Monday nights game I am feeling supremely confident. The Jazz didn't play all that well, and yet were able to grind out the win.

I look for Booze to have a huge game tonight. While he played well on Monday, he really didn't have the kind of scoring game that I thought he would. I think Booze will drop at least 25 tonight.

This season has been sweet redemption for Booze and D-Will. I hope that all of the Jazz fans out there really let Gordon Monson have it. This guy ripped on both Boozer, and D-Will. In fact even when D-Will demonstrated that at the very least he was the equivalent of Chris Paul Monson refused to acknowledge this. Basically, the Utah sports media market leaves a lot to be desired. I wish that we had some decent sports editors and talk show people here, but we don't so I should just stop complaining.

The bottom line is that I have a fever, a jazz fever and it won't be cured until we take home a championship. Let's hope that the Suns can take care of the Spurs, and then we should have a clear path to the finals. You know it is playoff season when even the wife is excited to go to games.


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll see you there tonite Pete. D-Will and Booze in my mind are already better than Stockton and Malone. Could you see Malone nailing those final free throws in Game 7? Didn't think so. I agree with you on Monson. In addition to completely missing the boat on Williams, he said the series with Houston was over after Game 5. There's a reason he couldn't hack it at the LA Times - too much foot in the mouth.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger maWeesa said...

maybe this is our year! i'll be watching late from NY


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